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Kevin Brown Profile

Kevin Brown

Top Motivational Speaker

Why Book this Speaker: Motivational speaker and author Kevin Brown is passionate about helping people and organizations embrace a simple philosophy that separates world-class organizations and high-performance people from everybody else – he calls it The HERO Effect®. Through his presentations, Kevin entertains, inspires and challenges people to show up every day and make a positive difference at work and in life!

Traveling From: FL

Fee Range: $25,000 – $35,000

Motivational Speaker & Author Kevin Brown’s unconventional path to business and personal success has taught him that winning in business and in life requires anything but conventional thinking. With a streetwise aptitude and a never quit attitude, he worked his way from the front lines in business to the executive boardroom.

For two decades, Kevin was a sales and marketing executive that helped grow a little-known family business into an industry giant with annual revenues reaching two billion dollars. After a career in franchising that spanned 30 years, Kevin decided to pursue his passion for bringing The HERO Effect® message to as many people and organizations as possible.

The HERO Effect® is a simple philosophy that separates world-class organizations and high-performance people from everybody else. Kevin now helps people expand their vision, develop their potential, and grow their results. And, as the father of a child with autism, he knows firsthand how the principles of true success reach beyond the boardroom and into the lives of real people facing the challenges of everyday life. Kevin is the bestselling author of The Hero Effect®.

In his second book, Unleashing Your Hero, Kevin shares how the heroes who transformed his life are people just like you. People who were willing to use their gifts and abilities to serve others at a high level. This book is a guide to help everyday people discover and unleash their hero at work and in life.


In a fresh and entertaining style, Kevin shares ideas, strategies and principles that will inspire and equip participants to show up every day and make a positive difference. At the heart of Kevin’s message is a simple, yet powerful philosophy for life that drives every thought, every action and ultimately every result we achieve both personally and professionally. Your team will be motivated to reach beyond what is required and do something remarkable!

This program is designed to help participants:

  • Achieve greater results by eliminating “ordinary” thinking and mastering the habit of excellence.
  • Own the moments that matter (and they all matter) by taking responsibility for their attitude, their actions and their results.
  • Create meaningful relationships and deliver an extraordinary experience for every “customer” at work and at home

  • Heroes Help People…with NO STRINGS ATTACHED! They go “all in” every time they take the field. They understand that in business and in life it’s always personal and never perfect. Heroes create strong connections and reach beyond the borders of transactional thinking to create transformational moments!
  • Heroes Create an Exceptional Experience: The HERO’s calling card is pure excellence. It’s about using our talents, gifts and abilities to their fullest potential and highest purpose. The HERO uses the best of who they are to serve more people, more often, in bigger and better ways.
  • Heroes Take Responsibility: HEROES own the moments that matter! They live by a simple code: “bring your best stuff to the present moment and pour it into the lives of others.” They understand that before you can lead anyone else, you must first be able to lead yourself. The HERO owns their attitude, their actions and their results. They are committed to the best possible outcome in every situation regardless of circumstances or events beyond their control.
  • Heroes Live and Work with Optimism: HEROES see the world differently. For them, it’s not about positive thinking, it’s about perspective. Looking through the lens of optimism gives the HERO supernatural vision. They see what others cannot. They see opportunities instead of obstacles – possibilities instead of problems. When things go wrong…and they will…optimism is what helps the HERO turn life’s messes into a masterpiece.


In this presentation, Kevin takes his most requested program and focuses The HERO Effect® principles on leadership. Kevin has a simple philosophy when it comes to leadership. He believes that you are “a leader of one or a leader of none.” He believes that leadership begins with mastering self along with the daily habits required to become world class leaders, mentors and coaches to the teams we live and do business with. The foundation of this program can be summed up in one powerful idea…we reproduce what we are!

The role of leadership in an organization is to create an environment where people can be the best version of themselves. That is what serves a brand well and stands out in a crowded marketplace.

This program is designed to help participants:

  • Create an environment where people are inspired to be the best version of themselves and deliver world class performance to the people they serve.
  • Develop a team of people that are committed, focused and on fire for the brand they are helping to build.
  • Design and deliver an organizational obsession statement that drives high performance and a world class customer experience.
Kevin Brown book


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