Scott Burrows Profile

Scott Burrows

Top Speaker on overcoming adversity

Why Book this Speaker: Scott brings the concepts of Vision, Mindset and Grit to life using his life-changing story. Three powerful words, when put into action, will help you Stand Up to Any Challenge.

Traveling From: FL

Fee Range: $20,000

SCOTT BURROWS was a star athlete and fierce competitor. By the age of 19, he played college football at Florida State University as a wide receiver under Coach Bobby Bowdenand was a top-ranked kick-boxing Black Belt Champion whose last fight was broadcast by ESPN.

During the height of Scott’s collegiate career, his life changed dramatically and abruptly on November 3rd, 1984. He survived a horrific car crash, suffering a serious spinal cord injury that left him paralyzed from the chest down and diagnosed a quadriplegic. Despitehis grim diagnosis, Scott refused to be sidelined. After six months of intense physical therapy, Scott astonished everyone, including his doctors, by turning an impossible goal of standing again into a reality.

Scott enrolled back into college and earned a Bachelor of Science Degree In Finance from the University of South Florida. After Graduation, he entered the insurance and financial industry as a financial advisor. In his 5th year, he qualified for the Million Dollar Round Table, a 100% commission-driven award that less than 8% of his peers from all companies around the world qualify for yearly. At the pinnacle of that career, Scott decided to make a change and partner with his brother Mark as a venture capitalist. Together, they formed an international golf course development company, doing business in Southeast Asia. That company still thrives today.

Today, as a motivational keynote speaker and bestselling author, Scott has presented to organizations, associations and Fortune 500 companies and has been invited to kick off corporate conferences in Australia, India, Spain,Bermuda, Mexico, the Czech Republic And Canada.


In today’s competitive marketplace, organizations are trying to maintain a winning culture as they deal with an array of business challenges. The true measure of success is how well teams respond to adversity, change, setbacks and fear. Whatever belief system is employed, must be powerful enough to conquer these obstacles for personal and professional growth or your organization will be left behind.

Scott teaches listeners how to create a clear Vision to propel them to action, while helping leaders discover the impact of connecting their organization to a shared vision, and how to adapt business strategies to gain that important competitive advantage. How to create an unstoppable Mindset that revolves around poise and execution, and how asking the “What” questions can help teams navigate the chaos of adversity. Listeners learn the important principles of Grit to help stretch them beyond a paralyzed state of overwhelm and Stand Up to Any Challenge.



In today’s competitive sales environment, many sales organizations are trying to maintain a winning and optimistic culture as they deal with an array of business and sales challenges. Perhaps today your sales team is weathering budget cuts or dealing with growing pains as your organization continues to expand both internally and externally, while attempting to be number one in your industry with increased customer expectations. Maybe you are experiencing industry change while trying to differentiate yourself, your company and your solutions from your lower-priced competitors. Perhaps you are looking to improve the sales process and how you approach C-level executives and decision makers as you do your best to reach new sales quotas and budgets. Or maybe you are feeling paralyzed by your competition, keeping up with new products coming to market as well as advancing technologies that are upending workflow and processes.

Whatever your challenges are, the belief system you employ must be powerful enough to conquer these obstacles and any other impediments to your personal and professional growth, or you – and your sales organization – will be left behind.

Each year, our Global Sales Conference is literally our ‘Super Bowl’ for the Celebrity sales team. It’s the one time we’re all together and our big shot at setting the tone for the upcoming year with a high-energy and motivational message. Scott’s message of Vision-Mindset-Grit has literally transformed the way our team looks at challenges, sales goals and life. As a result of Scott’s life-changing message, our team will NEVER STOP BELIEVING that ANYTHING is POSSIBLE. If you want to truly inspire and motivate your sales team or team, Scott Burrows will over-deliver at every level!”   – Keith Lane. VP of Sales, North America Celebrity Cruises



With the alarming predominance of workplace accidents caused by human error, the importance  of engaging teams and individuals with safety procedures in a way that is meaningful to them and can promote significant change is crucial. Scott details his unforgettable, life-changing story of turning a paralyzing setback into a powerful comeback that inspires teams to develop a true safety MINDSET. Scott details how easy it is to become desensitized to common safety routines, and how ‘just this once’ can tragically impact the rest of their lives.

Told  through using his own physical paralysis as a metaphor and blending eloquent storytelling with humor and crowd interaction, Scott leaves audiences captivated, inspired and ready to take action. Scott will impact your team by encouraging awareness, better day-to-day safety decisions and changing the way your employees view and approach their jobs. Listeners will walk away embracing workplace safety protocols as opposed to resisting or ignoring them.



Insurance and Financial leaders RAVE about Scott’s knowledge and understanding of their industry, knowing that he, too, was a top sales producer. After his life-changing accident, Scott became an insurance and financial advisor and went on to qualify for the Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT). Scott knows firsthand what it’s like to be in the field—generating activity, making scheduled calls, prospecting, facing rejection, overcoming objections, all while listening to clients’ needs to determine recommendations and solutions. 

Scott teaches listeners how to create a clear Vision to increase sales performance. He helps  leaders discover the impact of connecting their organization to a shared vision of success, as well as how to adapt strategies during market fluctuations to gain important competitive advantages  through creating an unstoppable Mindset that revolves around the principles of poise and execution. Listeners learn the important principles of Grit to outperform their competition and Stand Up to Any Challenge.



Scott Burrows’ thought-provoking presentation and compelling story is athe hero’s journey, providing what will be an unforgettable and lasting memory to inspire your attendees to stand up to any challenge. Using his physical paralysis as a visual metaphor, Scott reveals how to drive results using the same mental focus that helped him reinvent his life after a catastrophic accident left him paralyzed from the chest down. He will demonstrate there are no barriers or stop signs in life, or the healthcare marketplace, just detours and workarounds.

Healthcare leaders appreciate Scott’s knowledge of their industry, knowing he understands patient-centered care and how healthcare professionals have the gift and the power to influence and impact their patients’ lives. As a former spinal cord injury patient and advocate for both patient and healthcare providers, he shares his impactful personal experience as a quadriplegic. Sharing Scott’s deeply personal experience will encourages healthcare professionals to continue to find passion for what they do while teaching and inspiring them to encourage their patients to Never Give Up Hope



In today’s rapidly changing Corporate Environment, C-level executives understand Diversity Matters. Why? Today, the largest and fastest growing minority group around the world isare people with disabilities. Studies have shown this workforce  to be committed, productive, loyal and willing, when given the opportunity, to help your organization succeed. If you are looking to expand your market share, generate new revenue from this untapped market and see things from a different corporate perspective, it will take a clear Vision, the proper Mindset and the organizational Grit to make it happen.

The true measure of success is how well you respond to a changing and diverse marketplace, long with adversity, professional setbacks and fear. Whatever belief system you employ must be powerful enough to conquer these obstacles and any other impediments to your personal and professional growth, or you – and your organization – will be left behind.

scott burrows book



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